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By-Laws 2023

Article I. Field of Membership

Anyone interested in implementing the objectives of the Association may become a member.

Article II. Objective

The mission of the Hawaii Sociological Association is to advance scholarly research pertaining to all aspects of social life, to create and maintain cooperative relationships among scholars studying society, especially those who are in Hawaii and those who address sociological issues relevant to Hawaii society and culture, to encourage scholars of all levels (undergraduate, graduate, professional) to engage in discussions about sociologically relevant topics, and to help mentor the next generation of sociologists. The Code of Ethics of the American Sociological Association binds members of the Hawaii Sociological Association.  The Hawaii Sociological Association accomplishes its mission by convening an annual meeting, which welcomes participation from scholars across disciplines and geography to share and discuss their current work related to the study of society. The Hawai’i Sociological Association is orienting itself to serve as an international sociological organization in the Pacific region.


Article III. Dues

The dues for membership in the association are included in the registration fee for the annual conference. Changes to this procedure shall be submitted for ratification at the annual business meeting of the Association. They shall take effect if approved by a two-thirds vote of the business meeting.

Article IV. Communication with Members

The HSA assumes that all members will have access to electronic mail and will provide a current e-mail for official communications from HSA. This information will be considered privileged information and will not be sold or shared with any group without the permission of the individual member.  Electronic mail will be used for the notification of elections, notification of meetings, and any other official announcements. 

Article IV. Communication with Members

The HSA assumes that all members will have access to electronic mail and will provide a current e-mail for official communications from HSA. This information will be considered privileged information and will not be sold or shared with any group without the permission of the individual member.  Electronic mail will be used for the notification of elections, notification of meetings, and any other official announcements.

Article V. Officers

SECTION 1. Names of Positions

The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer. The officers shall be elected by a majority vote of membership at the annual business meeting.

SECTION 2. Terms of Office

The President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for one year. The past President, past Vice-President, and past Secretary-Treasure will serve on one the organization’s committees the year following serving in office to support continuity of the organization.

SECTION 3. President

The President of the Association shall preside at all business meetings of the Association and shall perform all duties which include: the identification of theme of the annual meeting, drafting the call for papers, identifying keynote speakers, organize the dissemination the call for papers, coordinating and supervising committees, reviewing, revising, and facilitating the organization of the program, supporting local arrangements, and drafting application for funding support for the annual meeting. In their duties, the President shall act in collaboration with the Vice-President and Secretary-Treasurer.

SECTION 4. Vice-President

The Vice-President shall participate at all business meetings of the Association and shall perform all duties which include: reviewing and offering editorial assistance for the theme, call for papers, and funding application of the annual meeting, sending the invitation letter to the keynote speaker, support the program committee and the local arrangements, and help disseminate information of the annual conference. In their duties, the Vice-President shall act in collaboration with the President and Secretary-Treasurer.


SECTION 5. Secretary-Treasurer

The Secretary-Treasurer shall record the transactions of HSA including the minutes of executive meetings and the annual business meeting and oversee the funds of the Association. The Secretary-Treasurer also assists in the duties of the organization including accounting for the registration of membership and other costs associated with the planning of the annual meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer shall assure the continuity of a bank account in the name of the Association, withdrawal from which shall be upon the signature of one officer of the Association. In their duties, the Secretary-Treasurer shall act in collaboration with the President and Vice-President.

SECTION 6. Vacancies in Office and Order of Succession

In case of vacancy the membership will be consulted and members of committees will be first considered to fill any such vacancy including the position of President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer.

Article VI. Executive Committee

SECTION 1. Composition of the Executive Committee

The Executive shall consist of the President, Vice-President, and Secretary-Treasurer. Faculty members that reside in Hawai’i and are affiliated with an academic institution on the islands shall fill the positions of President and Vice-President. The Secretary-Treasurer is to be filled by a graduate student at an academic institution in Hawai’i. When these priorities cannot be met consultation will be taken at the annual business meeting.

SECTION 2. Duties of the Executive

The Executive shall manage the affairs of the Association. Actions of the Executive shall be reported at the regular annual business meeting.

The Executive shall be the only body of HSA to authorize official statements in the name of the Association. When such statements are thought controversial, they shall first be submitted to the membership for authorization at the Annual Meeting.

The general duties of the Executive Committee shall be (a) the critical survey of the functioning of the Association; (b) the development of proposals for the improvement of the organization and operation of the Association; (d) initiate the process of planning for new goals and future development for the Association; (e) review of the maintenance of a system of permanent records and operating procedures. These permanent records and operating procedures relating to the operation of the Association and its committees should be made available to new officers.

SECTION 3. Meetings of the Executive

Meetings of the Executive are to occur through mutually agreed method this includes conference calls via phone or Internet and face-to-face meetings. The Executive will hold a meeting at the Annual Meeting.

Article VII. Committees

SECTION 1. Committee Formation and Termination

Except as herein otherwise provided, Committees shall be constituted for a period of one year. Committee members interested in serving another year will be permitted and are encouraged to continue in their role so long as it does not interfere with the participation of other members. Committee members serve on a volunteer basis and are neither appointed nor elected. Volunteers for committees will be requested at the annual business meeting but members may be added to a committee at a later time. There are six Standing Committees: Website and Media Committee, Program Committee, Local Arrangements Committee, Awards Committee, Nominations, and Outreach Committee, and Social Action Committee. The first four committees are essential to the functioning of the organization. The latter three committees will operate with a minimum membership of three.


SECTION 2. Website and Media Committee

The website and media committee are essential to the running of the organization. Members of this committee will update the website with material provided by the executive committee. They are also encouraged to suggest aesthetic and organizational changes to the website to the Executive Committee for approval.

SECTION 3. Program Committee

The Program Committee, including its Chairperson, shall consist of three or more persons. Its duties shall be to develop and implement the plans for the program for the Annual Meeting based upon the theme for the meeting developed by the President and publish widely in sociological related networks and bodies. The Program Committee will work closely with the Executive Committee in developing and carrying out the program. The Committee shall be empowered to stimulate discussion at the Annual Meeting of topics it deems important in furtherance of the interests of the Society. The Committee may also solicit invited papers when, in its judgment, such papers are necessary to achieve the objectives of the program.

SECTION 4. Local Arrangements Committee

The Local Arrangements Committee, including its Chairperson, shall consist of at least three members residing in the island where the annual meeting is to be held the following year. The duties of the committee shall be to assist in the preparation for the annual meeting of the association. Specific duties include: assist the in the preparation of a guide to the locality of the meeting; arrange for volunteers to assist in the registration process at the annual meeting; provide referrals to local services available; assist with a list of accommodation and transportation options, arrange the evening social event that accompanies the annual meeting, and facilitate the organization of meals served at the annual meeting.  


SECTION 5. Awards Committee

The awards committee shall consist of two permanent faculty members who will review papers submitted for the undergraduate and graduate paper award using standard criteria of the discipline. The decision on the award winners shall be made by one week prior to the annual conference.

SECTION 6. Nomination and Outreach Committee

The duties of the Nomination and Outreach Committee will be to identify members that may serve as future nominees for the Executive Office as well as committee members. This outreach will extend to the US Mainland but should also pay significant attention to sociologists and sociology programs in the Pacific region. The committee shall also try to increase membership by distributing the call for papers of the annual meeting to a wide range of sociological networks and programs including neighbors to the East and West of Hawai’i.

SECTION 7. Social Action Committee

The social action committee will operate to organize members and define efforts that assure the commitment of the discipline towards an inequitable and just society and towards public sociology of engagement with local and global communities. Members of the committee will share their projects with the executive committee who upon confirmation will share information on various efforts with the membership.


Article VIII. Elections

Elections of new officers will occur at the annual business meeting. All members present will vote by anonymous ballot which will be counted and results announced at the meeting. Candidates with the majority vote in each office will serve the association for the following year.

Article IX. Site Selection 

The Site Selection for the annual meeting will alternate between Oahu and a neighboring island to the best of the ability of the association. In addition the Executive Committee will make every effort to rotate the annual among the various university and college campuses with sociology departments in Hawai’i.

Article X. Books and Records

All books and records of HSA shall be made accessible to new officers.

Article XI. Finances

The Association holds a PayPal account and a bank account. The secretary-treasurer will transfer responsibility for the administration of these accounts to the new officers before one month after the annual meeting. The funding of the annual conference should be covered by the cost of registration and the availability of grants. In recognition of their efforts to upholding the standards of the organization, the Executive Committee shall not pay dues.

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